Jeannie Poblete, BS

Lab Manager

TRPA1 mediates the inflammatory actions of environmental irritants and proalgesic agents.


Bautista DM, Jordt SE, Nikai T, Tsuruda PR, Read AJ, Poblete J, Yamoah EN, Basbaum AI, Julius D

Selective blockade of the capsaicin receptor TRPV1 attenuates bone cancer pain.

The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience

Ghilardi JR, Röhrich H, Lindsay TH, Sevcik MA, Schwei MJ, Kubota K, Halvorson KG, Poblete J, Chaplan SR, Dubin AE, Carruthers NI, Swanson D, Kuskowski M, Flores CM, Julius D, Mantyh PW